Bass Pro Shops
As the leader in outdoor sports retail, Bass Pro Shops wanted to expand its at-track footprint during NASCAR races to support their existing Driver and Broadcast relationships.
Create a mobile marketing footprint at several NASCAR races each year that could support increases in retail traffic, and at-track brand awareness, while entertaining potential consumers and NASCAR fans.
Develop a Bass Pro Shops Fan Stage that would become the centerpiece of the midway at NASCAR races. At a height of 35’ towering above all other midway displays, the Bass Pro Shops Fan Stage provided a cost-effective mobile marketing hub from which they could disseminate information and provide customized offers, while entertaining the NASCAR faithful with recording artists who also made time to appear at local Bass Pro Shops. The result was increased store traffic, and enhanced at-track awareness, as the fan stage was positioned in the center of the midway where more than 100,000 race fans would pass each weekend.